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We have an excellent reputation of working with different people with various project needs. We spend an enormous amount of time understanding our clients and helping them realize their needs. We offer a very personal service. With restoration projects it is imperative that we turn a negative incident into a positive result. Learn more about us below...

Our Story



In 1982 Roger Soudan first became an equal partner with his father in residential construction.. During this time period they completed well over 50 projects; moving forward, Roger then obtained his own license and created the company before you, R. Soudan Construction in 1987.

Since the inception of R Soudan Construction, we have completed thousands of projects. With construction and restoration being a crowded industry containing many professional companies, we differentiate our self with the personalisation of each and every project. The projects we take on receive our full investment and our desire to provide the best quality of work and service workmanship. We strive for perfection or better; anything average will never be provided by us.

We have been a part of our community by being Make-A-Wish volunteers and sponsors, founding members of OASIS, members of OEDCO, and Roger is on his second term as President of The Oroville Exchange Club. We are committed to making Oroville a better place. Turning negative incidents into positive situations is what we preach to our crews on the restoration jobs. We strive to give our clients a place to enjoy after their hard times by providing a hard days work. We do not just talk the talk but we get our hands dirty, strap up our boots, and walk the walk.

From general consulting (all levels of a buildings design and needs), custom remodels, home construction, and full restoration services including wind, water, or fire damage; we do it all. We hand select our remodels and new home clients; we believe these types of projects require a good match of contractor and client. This should be a relaxing and enjoyable project for both your and us, not a nightmare. We have an equal business stake in all of our services and we say all projects are planned and completed at a higher level of perfection. Working with us at R Soudan Construction might be the best decision you could make. Let us make this decision together.